Meet the "Real" Betty

Meet the "Real" Betty
Betty through the ages

Sunday, February 22, 2015


It was getting a bit late this evening when my husband and I decided that we were starting to feel some hunger pangs.  To cut down on cooking time, I wanted to make a vintage recipe that we both could eat.  He is an incredibly picky eater, though, and refuses to eat most vegetables or any form of beans.  Then it came to me – bacon turnovers.

There was quite a few recipes for bacon turnovers floating around in the 1940s because thy really stretched bacon rations.  The recipe I prepared extended bacon rations for one person for one week into four good size servings because it combined diced potatoes and cooked onions.  The end result was a very tasty and filling meal that any meat-eater would love.  I served my husband’s turnover with a bit of Bisto gravy and he raved about how good it was.  This is definitely a recipe I will be making again!

Bacon Turnovers
Serves 4

  •         12-oz Plain flour
  •         3 tsp baking powder
  •         Pinch of salt
  •         3-oz cooking fat, drippings or combination (I used 1-oz bacon drippings & 2-oz Crisco)
  •         ½ cup water + 1/8 cup water

  •         4-oz fat bacon rashers
  •         1 small onion - chopped
  •         8-oz cooked potatoes – skin on, diced
  •         1 – 2 tbsp chopped parsley (I used 1 tbsp dried parsley)
  •        Season to taste

1.       Preheat oven to 425°F.
2.       Sift the flour and salt then rub in the cooking fat.
3.       Bind with water.  (If it is too dry, add a bit more water.  If it is too wet, add a bit more flour.)
4.       Divide into 4 equal balls of dough.
5.       Roll dough out into rounds.
6.       Cook bacon, drain and chop into small pieces.
7.       Dice onion then cook in the remaining bacon drippings until golden.
8.       Dice and cook potatoes.  (I cheated & used the microwave for this.)
9.       Mix together bacon, onions, potatoes, parsley and seasoning.
10.   Place ¼ of bacon mixture in the middle of each dough round.  Wet edges of dough then press together, fold over and pinch edges in decorative fashion.
11.   Place a small cut in the top of each turnover.
12.   Bake in the middle of the hot oven until golden and crisp.
13.   Serve hot or cold!

What foods do your picky eaters avoid?

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