Meet the "Real" Betty

Meet the "Real" Betty
Betty through the ages

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Coming Soon to my Tiny Kitchen...

Hello, lovely readers!  Time sure flies when you're having fun.  Can you believe that it has been over a year since my last post?  Well, that is going to change soon.  I have been doing a lot of cooking (and eating) using fresh, good food.

I have been having the most fun playing a little game I like to call, Mystery Ingredient Challenge.  In Mystery Ingredient Challenge, I am given two random ingredients and I have to come up with a way to incorporate them into a recipe.  This week was Cod and Strawberry Ice Cream.  (Which turned out totally yum, by the way).  Other ingredients have been things like Vegemite, condensed milk, Raspberry Jell-O (gelatin), bleu cheese, Tim Tams, mango, etc.

The Mystery Ingredient Challenge has been a very fun, odd and delicious journey so far and I am looking forward to sharing it here.

Strawberry-Curry Cod